The Pioneer Catholic Franciscan Institution of Eastern Visayas

Undergraduate Programs

Institute of Accountancy, Management and Computing & Information Studies

  • This program typically focuses on financial reporting, auditing, taxation, and managerial accounting. It prepares students for careers in accounting firms, corporate finance departments, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.
  • Courses cover topics such as financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, taxation, and accounting information systems.
  • Graduates often pursue careers as auditors, tax accountants, financial analysts, or certified public accountants (CPA).

Career Opportunities:

Public Accountant, Auditor, Bookkeeper, Auditing Clerk, Budget Analyst, Financial Analyst, Management Analyst, Accounting Manager, Controller, Personal Financial Advisor, Accounting Professor/Lecturer, Cost Accountant, Accounting Clerk, Information and Technology Accountant, Vice President for Finance, Forensic Accountant, Chief Accountant.

  • BSBA programs provide a broad foundation in business principles and management practices. Students gains knowledge in areas such as marketing, finance and human resources, operations management, and business ethics.
  • Courses may include accounting, economics, business law, organizational behavior, strategic management, and marketing.
  • Graduates are equipped to pursue various careers in business, including roles in management, consulting, entrepreneurship, or further education in specialized fields.

Career Opportunities:

Sales Executive Manager; Management Consultancy; Banking, Investment, and Financial Services Officer; Public Relations Officer; Research Assistant/ Data Analyst; Business Development Assistant; Advertising and Retail Management Officer; Research Associate; Market Research Analyst; Junior Economic Analyst; Corporate Planning Assistant; Analyst for Global Business Services; Human Resource/ Personnel Officer.

  • Computer Science programs focus on the theoretical and practical aspects of computing, including software development, algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and computer systems.

  • Students learn programming languages such as Java, Python, C++, or others, along with principles of computer architecture, operating systems, databases, and software developers, systems analysts, database administrators, cybersecurity specialists, or data scientists among others.

  • Each program offers distinct opportunities and career paths, so it’s important to consider your interests, strengths, and career goals when choosing the right fit for you.

Studiositas.  Fraternitas.  Minoritas.  Oratio et Devotio.