The Pioneer Catholic Franciscan Institution of Eastern Visayas

School President

Fr. Prisco “Prix” A. Cajes

Fr. Prisco “Prix” A. Cajes of the Order of Friars Minor-Franciscans, the 24th and 29th President of Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc.

” Education is not merely getting a good grade or a degree, but formation of values and transformation of person.”

Fr. Prix is a Filipino Franciscan priest, an educator, the 24th President of Christ the King College (2004-2009)  as appointed to the position by the Board of Trustees of Christ the King College of Calbayog City last June 2022, assumed office 1 July 2022, succeeding Fr. Jovito M. Malinao, OFM, who was president from 2019 to 2022.

About Fr. Prisco A. Cajes, OFM, ThD

Fr. Prix, as he is commonly known, the President of Christ the King College of Calbayog City (2022 to present). It is his 2nd time serving the school as he is the 24th President of the school from 2004-2009. Some of the notable events during his term now as CKC President was the revision of the school organizational structure; initiative in the accreditation of its college, senior high, junior high, and grade school programs; opening of more scholarship programs, and numerous infrastructure and campus developments.

Before leading the Christ the King College of Calbayog City, Inc., Fr. Prix was the Director of the Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia (ICLA) (2019-2022); Director of Franciscan Development Office of Custody of At. Anthony of Padua, Philippines (CSAPP); Censor Librorum of CSAPP;   Parochial Vicar of San Vicente Ferrer Parish, Sambag II, Cebu City; Professor at St. Alphonsus Theological and Mission Institute, Institute of Consecrated Life in Asia;

Fr. Prix has a PhD in Systematic Theology from The Graduate Theological Union (GTU), Berkeley California, USA (1997-2002); Master of Spirituality from Franciscan School of Theology at Berkeley, California, USA (1990-1995); And Theology Education from Our Lady of the Angels Franciscan Seminary- College (1976-1980), Theology (1982-1986).

At present, he is also Board Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Christ the King College of Calbayog City; Superintendent of Franciscan Schools; Chapter Secretary of First Provincial Chapter of the Province of San Antonio de Padua-Philippines.

Fr. Prix is also a writer who authored the Life of Dialogue Initiatives: A Sourcebook on OFM Mindanao Mission (2018), and Anitism & Perichoresis: Towards A Filipino Christian Eco-Theology of Nature (2002).

Fr. Prix entered the Order of Friars Minor-Franciscan in 1976, and was ordained into the priesthood in 1986. He was born in Trinidad, Bohol, Philippines on November 14, 1950. He is fluent in English, Tagalog, and Cebuano.







Studiositas.  Fraternitas.  Minoritas.  Oratio et Devotio.